Biohidramar® Cuaje in blueberry cultivation: higher caliber and more quality

Blueberry production and trade is expanding globally. This small blue berry is one of the fruits that have a greater number of qualities and health benefits, as well as standing out for its flavor, juiciness and great versatility.

In the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, Huelva is the province with the highest blueberry production in Spain and the largest producing area in Europe for early spring harvest. According to sources from the association of producers and exporters of strawberries and red fruits, Freshuelva, since the 2011/2012 campaign the area of blueberry cultivation has increased by 464%, that is, it has gone from 777 ha then to 3,602 ha of the 2022/2023 campaign, consolidating in the province as the second berry after strawberry.

This boom in blueberry cultivation has been subjected to a continuous process of selection and research to improve its productivity, obtaining a fruit of external quality, organoleptic quality and nutritional quality required by the markets.

Thanks to this search and a good agronomic management, it has been possible to obtain an improvement in different aspects such as the “shelf life”, the firmness or the flavor of the fruit, in addition to continuing to improve, campaign after campaign, the productivity and yield of the crop, to make it much more competitive.

A part of agronomic management is the use or use of alternatives or products based on natural compounds. These products are based on algae extracts, extracts of higher plants, humic and fulvic acids, amino acids, microorganisms (fungi or beneficial bacteria), etc. that are capable of generating direct and indirect effects on the crop, providing the plant with vitamins, polysaccharides, mannitol, etc. or being precursors of natural phytohormones and / or signals involved in the different physiological processes of plants.

These products help to achieve a balanced growth of the plant, stimulate natural processes for the improvement of flowering, fertilization, fruit set and absorption of nutrients and / or increase tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The effectiveness of these depends on many factors, such as the crop itself, the soil, the climate or the management, and therefore it is very important to know the phenology of the plant, its hormonal balance and the needs of the crop, to obtain satisfactory results.

Biohidramar cuaje agrometodos
                           Ideal phenological state in blueberry for the application of BIOHIDRAMAR® CUAJE


In this sense, from Agrométodos we have been researching and developing in this crop the use of our product Biohidramar® Cuaje, a formulation that contains natural compounds very rich in cytokinins combined with microelements that favor the stimulation of cell division and protein synthesis. In addition, in the blueberry, Biohidramar® Cuaje is able to increase the translocation of assimilated to the growing fruit generating a “sink effect” that translates into an increase in the size of these.

That is why our product Biohidramar® Cuaje provides the following benefits:

  • – Favors the elongation of the pollen tube.
  • – Improves the filling of the fruits, presenting a greater uniformity of these.
  • Increases the caliber of the fruits.
  • – It is a product that respects auxiliary fauna.
  • – It has no residue or safety period.
  • Authorized in Organic / Organic Agriculture.

In the cultivation of blueberries it is recommended to use Biohidramar® Cuaje in foliar spray at a dose of 0.1% (1L / 1000L of water) from the first fruit set and repeat this application every 15 – 20 days until the end of harvest.


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