Green Beans

Application times, modes and doses

10 days after sowing.
15-20 days later.
after the first harvest. Can be applied with specific fungicides.
Dose (foliar application): 3 cc/L (2 cc/L on seedlings) - Dose (drip irrigation): 3-5 L/Ha.

Subsequent applications: Can be applied every 12-18 days as long as crop profitability allows.

On seedlings, with 2-3 true leaves.

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • The first application prevents rotting of the “neck” and gives the plant greater vigour, resulting in better rooting and settlement in the final soil.
  • Better and more balanced crop development (better flower differentiation, fruit set and higher yields).
  • Improves root nodulation.
  • Stronger stems and more cold-resistant.
  • Makes the plant stronger against Alternaria attacks.
  • Maintains production level in times of fewer daylight hours.
  • Quickly improves cut healing on the plant after successive harvests.
  • Thanks to the antioxidant effect of BROTOMAX®, treated plants remain young for longer, extending the vegetative cycle and allowing more come-again-crop cutting.

Also apply

Form to request information about the application times of the products