Olive Tree

Application times, modes and doses

throughout the whole vegetative bud differentiation process. Can be timed to coincide with treatment for olive leaf spot.
from flowering to the end of fruit set. Can be timed to coincide with the spring treatment for Prays moths.
approximately one month before harvesting.
after harvesting.
Dose (foliar application): 300 cc/100 L - Dose (irrigation application): 5 L/Ha.

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • Increased number of dormant buds sprouted.
  • Stimulates vegetation. Increased tree cover.
  • Increased polyphenol content, thereby increasing the plant’s self-defence capacity and helping it cope with vascular diseases.
  • Increased antioxidant capacity of the oil, stabilising it and prolonging its life.
  • Increased olive fat yield.
  • Enhanced varietal organoleptic properties.
  • With post-harvest treatment:
    • Micro-injuries caused by harvesting healed quickly, preventing the entry of vascular diseases and bacteria such as Tuberculosis.
    • Induces lignification of plant tissues, making bark midge penetration more difficult.

Also apply

Form to request information about the application times of the products