Pear Tree and Apple Tree

Application times, modes and doses

90% of petal drop.
40 days after 1st application.
25-30 days after harvest.
Dose (foliar application): 3 L/Ha - Dose (irrigation application): 5 L/Ha.


  • Treat pear trees to swell more fruit and prevent physiological fruit fall.

1st application: petal fall.

2nd application: 7 days after 1st application.

Dose (foliar application): 3 L/Ha – Dose (irrigation application): 5 L/Ha.

  • Treatment in the presence of fireblight (Erwinia amylovora).

1st application: petal fall.

2nd application: 15-20 days after 1st application.

3rd application: 30 days after harvest.

4th application: after harvest.

Dose (foliar application): 3 L/Ha – Dose (irrigation application): 5 L/Ha.

  • Treatment after hail.

Dose (foliar application): 3 L/Ha.

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • Ensures good, uniform sprouting, for better tree cover.
  • Helps to overcome pattern-variety affinity problems (Williams, Conference, Ercolini, Limonera, etc.).
  • Strengthens the tree’s self-defence mechanisms to overcome attack by Phytophthora spp.
  • Overcomes bud drying, either due to Pseudomonas or a physiological disorder.
  • Prevents the drying of leaves in summer on sensitive varieties such as Conference, Williams, etc., the application of BROTOMAX® protects chlorophyll from oxidation.
  • Regeneration of bark damaged by canker.
  • Better fruit skin quality, improving its consistency.
  • Increases fruit size. Uniform sizes.
  • Better conservation of the fruit.
  • Applications on pear trees to set more fruit boost the nutrients and energy the tree needs to set more fruit, resulting in high yields.
  • Applications after hail result in the rapid healing of any wounds produced.

Also apply

Form to request information about the application times of the products