
Application times, modes and dose

Can be applied during a large part of the crop cycle, but is especially recommended at the following times:

  • First true leaves.
  • Between the swelling of the crowns and the appearance of the first cluster.
  • Between the ripening of the first cluster and the setting of the second.
  • Between the ripening of the third cluster and the setting of the fourth.
  • In the event of crop stress due to weather conditions (heat, cold, rain, etc.)

Dose (foliar application): 300 cc/100 L (2-2.5 L/Ha in case of abiotic stress). – Dose (irrigation application): 5 L/Ha.

In nurseries, perform two applications:

1st application: at the start of tillering (May).
2nd application: during the month of August.

Dose (drip irrigation): 3 L/Ha.

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • EARLY DEVELOPMENT: increased crown swelling and early appearance of the first cluster.
  • QUALITY: good fruit set (no deformation), size and colour.
  • PRODUCTION: balanced vegetative development between aerial parts and roots. Prevents the plant from declining after the first fruits have been harvested. Keeps the plant in optimal productive conditions throughout the season.
  • HEALTH: Increases the plant’s polyphenol content thereby increasing the plant’s capacity to defend itself against vascular diseases as well as its antioxidant potential.

Also apply

Form to request information about the application times of the products