Berries are in fashion and at Agrométodos we help you grow them

In southwestern Spain, fertile soil and a benevolent climate have forged a region renowned for the production of berries. With mild climates, seasonal rainfall, and the scarcity of frost, this corner of the country has flourished as the epicenter of strawberry production in Europe. The rich tradition and vast experience in growing strawberries have laid the foundation to expand its success to other delicious fruits, such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and currants. According to Eurostat data, this region not only leads the production of these fruits in Spain, but also plays a prominent role in the European panorama, supplying a significant portion of the delicacies of berry lovers throughout the continent.

The sustained growth in the production of berries in the Spanish Southwest is not only a local phenomenon, but a reflection of a trend that has gained momentum at a global level. Year after year, production figures exceed expectations, and the driver behind this success is the growing consumer demand for these delicious and healthy options. It is undeniable that the consumption of berries has become a real gastronomic trend.

At Agrometodos, we are committed to being at the forefront of this trend in the production of berries.

In this article, we will present you with a detailed overview of our various products designed to enhance and improve the conditions of these crops. Our focus is on achieving that much desired added value through the production of superior quality fruits.

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What are the recommended solutions to improve a berry crop?

Success in obtaining high-quality berries begins from the initial stages of cultivation, where the supply of nutrients is essential. With CORRIZ·AM®, we are able to improve the process of establishing plants after transplanting, which promotes rapid multiplication and extension of the roots, thus laying the foundation for a successful harvest.

At Agrometodos, we have also developed an advanced technology for the more direct delivery of nutrients to plants, which stands out for its efficiency: the LANZADERA® SYSTEM. Lanzadera products stand out for their versatility, as they can be applied both foliar and irrigated, offering equally effective results.

In addition, with the contributions of BROTOMAX®, we found a balance of vegetative development between the aerial and root parts, keeping the plant in optimal productive conditions throughout the campaign. This approach not only improves the health of the plant, but also increases its polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity, enriching its vascular system.

Berries, which include strawberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants and blueberries, are characterized by their intense color, fiber, mineral and trace element content, as well as a number of bioactive compounds that are considered “non-nutritive substances”. The latter, as mentioned above, benefit from the applications of BROTOMAX®, which contributes to the quality and nutritional value of these delicious fruits.

These “healthy” substances play a crucial role in the secondary metabolism of plants. Although they are not considered essential to human health in basic nutritional terms, there is growing evidence to suggest that moderate intake of these compounds over time may have significant benefits in preventing or reducing the risk of various chronic diseases (Jaganath & Crozier, 2010; Fraga et al., 2019). Among these compounds we can find phenolic compounds: phenolic acids, flavonoids, lignins, lignans, suberins, etc., and non-phenolic compounds: vitamins, carotenes, … found naturally in plants.

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Flavonoids, which include various compounds such as proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and flavonols, play a crucial role in plants by participating in functions such as defense, pigmentation, disease resistance, and contribution to flavors and aromas. These compounds are fundamental to plant biology and affect the quality of the end products, such as the berries we consume.

From a human health perspective, these flavonoids are known to be powerful free radical scavengers, which helps slow down the aging process and can help prevent serious diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and inflammatory pathologies.

In berries, flavonols stand out for their strong antioxidant activity, along with quercetin glycosides, kaempferol glycosides, myrecetin glycosides and anthocyanins, such as cyanidin, delphinidin and malvinidin. These compounds, when combined with sugars and organic acids, result in a wide range of colors in the fruits, such as orange, red, blue, violet, and purple. This diversity of colors is not only visually appealing, but is also indicative of the richness of these antioxidant compounds in berries.

For us, the quality of the fruits and their shelf life are intrinsically linked to the contributions of products such as MUROCEL® and LANZADERA® CALCIO. These products strengthen the cell wall of plant tissues, providing resistance to damage and alterations, both biotic and abiotic, before and after harvest.

Most experts agree that eating highly colored fruits, such as berries, can have a significant impact on our health. Berries are an exceptional choice for maintaining a balanced diet throughout the year. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate them into our diet on a regular basis to enjoy their unique benefits and flavors, while promoting our health and well-being.


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