Spain becomes leading supplier of courgette to the EU

According to data provided by the Euroestacom statistical service (Icex-Eurostat) and the report prepared by Hortoinfo, Spain has become the leading country in courgette sales within European markets. Over the past five campaigns, Spanish courgette exports to European Union (EU) markets have increased by 33.56%.

In the last 2019/2020 year, 754.58 million kilos have been marketed in the European Union, a volume exceeding 4.54% of the previous year. The average price has been 1,018 euros/kg increasing by 4.73% compared to that of the previous campaign. The total value of courgette sales in the EU in the 2019/2020 campaign was EUR 768.03 million.

Of the 5 countries that sell the most courgette in the EU, the most expensive has been the one supplied by the Netherlands and Germany (1,162 euros/kg), followed by that of Spain (1,032 euros/kg) and that of France (0.998 euros/kg).

Spanish courgette, with a 64.83% market share, has far more presence in Community markets than those from other countries whose presence is almost testimonial. Thus, for example, Euroestacom positions Morocco as the second largest supplier of courgette to the European Union with 8.95% of the volume marketed, followed by German with 6%, Dutch with 4.15% and French 3.81%. These countries are followed by Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Portugal and Poland, with data moving far away from the kilos imported from the EU from Spain.

In Spain, the autonomous community that leads this production is, by far, Andalusia with more than 83% of Spanish production. This is followed by the Canary Islands, Murcia, Valencia and Catalonia. These positive figures position our country as one of the largest producers and leaders in product quality.


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