The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has presented a new digital application that offers in a simple and visual way the information of the Weekly Hydrological Bulletin.
The Hydrological Bulletin is a weekly publication carried out by the Hydrological Information Area, which receives and processes the data originating in the Hydrographic Confederations and in the intra-community hydraulic Administrations, the State Meteorological Agency and Red Eléctrica de España. Its objective is:
- – carry out the monitoring, analysis and publication of hydrological data that allow to know and report on the state of the stored volumes (water reserves) in all the peninsular reservoirs with a capacity greater than 5 hm3 of the last week.
- – report on:
- • the situation of the exploitation systems, of the reserves destined for irrigation and supply of populations,
- • the stored hydroelectric energy (theoretical calculation resulting from the sum of the own energy and impact energy) and the actual produced
- • the flowing flows in the gauging stations of the main rivers of each basin
- • weekly rainfall (source AEMET).
The years shown for the water reserve and average weekly flows refer to the hydrological year, which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30.
Likewise, hydrological trend reports are shown on the situation and evolution of water reserves, comparing them with the data of the previous week, with that of previous years, and with the average of the previous five years and ten years.

As already mentioned, MITECO publishes these data weekly in pdf format (specifically every Tuesday) but from now on, they can also be found in this new digital application type “dashboard”.
The information provided by the application is divided into seven tabs that can be selected at the bottom of it.

In the first four you can consult the information of which the Weekly Hydrological Bulletin is objective and which has already been mentioned above:
- • Water reserve.
- • Energy
- • Average weekly flows.
- • Weekly accumulated rainfall.
And, additionally, 3 more tabs are available:
- • Help: information about the application and help for querying data
- • Notices: the warnings and incidents in force on the data of the Bulletin are shown.
- • Contact: the way to contact is shown in case of doubts, suggestions or information.
The new digital application can be accessed through the following link: