RETO Program: Electronic Record of Transactions and Operations with Phytosanitary Products

Almost six months have passed since its entry into force on November 10, 2021 and this program is already a reality in the day to day of our sector. The path of its implementation by companies in the phytosanitary sector is not being an easy task and in its beginnings it has been plagued by uncertainties and various problems and casuistries that, little by little and with the passage of time, are clarified and overcome.

The MAPA created this computer application to facilitate compliance with the provisions of article 15 of Royal Decree 285/2021, of April 20, and article 25 of Royal Decree 1311/2012, of September 14, which establishes the framework for action to achieve a sustainable use of phytosanitary products. This application allows the registration of information in real time, although the information must be presented telematically once a month, allowing an integral traceability of the supply chain of phytosanitary products.

The companies that are required to submit these data are those that are dedicated to the manufacture, marketing, distribution, logistics, import or export of phytosanitary products (supply sector) and those companies that are already registered in the official register of ROPO operators.

Programa reto campo


To be able to use RETO, first of all, you must proceed to an Autoregistration in the application, and for this, you must be previously registered in the Official Register of Producers and Operators of Phytosanitary Products (ROPO).

The data to be recorded in these phytosanitary product transactions are:

1.- Information regarding the general data of the transaction and the nature of it.

  • – Date of the transaction
  • – ROPO code of the transaction recorder
  • – Transaction code
  • – Recipient id
  • – ROPO code of the recipient
  • – Name of the recipient
  • – Address of the recipient
  • – Complementary data of the recipient

2.- Information relating to each of the plant protection products subject to the transaction:

  • – Product registration number.
  • – Commercial name.
  • – Lot number.
  • – Quantity of product (capacity of the container, the units of measurement of the container and the number of containers or the total volume of product).
  • – If it is a parallel import or a common name, if applicable.
  • – Object of the treatment (optional).


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